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Just over two years ago, I published this blog post, one of my firsts. Jake and I had big dreams. NFL Player and Novelist. We’ve held tight to those dreams and we made it. Jake’s an NFL Player (Please pray for him. He starts camp today). Though as dreams go, it’s not always an easy pathway. He was on a few practice squads and cut a few times before getting on the regular roster with the San Diego Chargers (#81). And me? Yes, I’m officially the author of a novel, now published. Check out my Crooked Lines Page to the left. And for a bonus, Jake and I got a contract from Harvest House to write a devotional. More updates on that later…final stages of edits now. It’s been a lot of work and we’ve come a long way and have a lot of work still to be done, but we’re pushing onward! Thanks for coming along with us on our journeys.

Holly Michael's Writing Straight

I don’t remember the dream, only the worried face that popped into it. Jake. My four-year-old. Why was his face in my dream? Minutes later, a tap on my shoulder woke me.

“Had a bad dream, Mom,” Jake said.

I lifted the covers, pulled Jake close, and kissed the top of his head, amazed at this strange connection that allowed my son’s fears to travel from his dreams into mine.

Mom’s have connections like that with their children. Sometimes a prickle of worry regarding one of my kids will flash in my mind like a sudden rainstorm pocking up a calm lake. I stop, drop, and pray. Most times, I discover those feelings were on the mark, and my child needed prayers.

Jake had dreams of becoming an NFL player. What little boy doesn’t? Then as a sophomore in high school, he was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. Jake refused to accept it as an obstacle. He wanted to play football on a college…

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